A Great Visit to Damside

Our most recent visit to Damside was very successful! We have the opportunity to spend 2 days at the school meeting the students and seeing the progress on the buildings.

Thus far, Damside has dormitories and 2 temporary classrooms up for the students. Of the 250 students that were at the school, they have located close to 30 students who are attending the school. The demolition of the school and parts of the slum left many of the Damside families homeless causing them to move away from the area. Peter, the school’s principal, is constantly taking calls or connecting with the Damside families to ensure they are settled and in a new school or making arrangements to bring them to the new school location.

Progress is being made on the permanent classrooms with 5 of the 10 classrooms almost complete. All that is left is roofing, doors, and windows. One these classrooms are complete, Damside can convert the temporary classrooms into more dormitories for the students.

While we at Damisde, we purchased some bunk beds for the students as they only had mattresses on the floor at that time. We also purchased some food to supplement the school’s feeding program. Before we left we planted some fruit trees for the students to care for and hopefully get a regular supply of fruit from soon.

So much progress has been made to rebuild Damside but we still have a long way to go. Our next major steps are completing the 5 classrooms and administration building. The estimated cost remaining to do that would be $8,800 USD.

Thank you so much for your support in making this possible and as always if you would like to donate to this cause please click here.

8/14 Update on Damside

Construction continues! 

We have been so excited seeing the progress continue at the school. Foundations are being laid for 8 classrooms, the bathrooms are almost done and we have dormitories up! 

Many of the older students were eager to help out so this past week they came to the school to assist with small projects like helping to unload cement bags or small building blocks. Based on the photos there seemed to be plenty of goofing around as well! The students are so excited to see work progressing and that their school may be reopen soon. 

We have gotten a bit closer to our goal this week, hitting just shy of the 50% mark. In two weeks, Gemma will be on location at Damside to see how work is coming along and hopefully meet with some volunteers!

If you would like to get involved please consider donating to our GoFundMe. 100% of funds go directly to Damside and the rebuilding of the school If you know anyone who may be interested in this project please share our page!

Click here to donate!



Update on Damside School

We are happy to announce that construction has started at Damside School! With initial funds of $11,000 we are setting to work to get some essential structures up to hopefully reopen the school in Karen as soon as possible. 

So far the land has been cleared and and leveled, bathrooms are being built and our first classroom is beginning to go up. We are working with on-the-ground volunteer organizations to provide volunteers that can assist with the build and keep labor costs low so we can maximize every dollar donated!

Check out the photos below to see the work so far and as always if you or anyone you know wants to get involved please consider donating using the link below. Every little bit counts!

Click here to learn more about our project to rebuild Damside

Demolition of Damside

We are devastated to report that Damside Preparatory has been demolished. Damside was located in the Kibera slum close to a railway line operated by Kenya Railway. The company determined that Damside along with 400 homes in the slum were located too close to the railway line and with the assistance of the government demolished the school and the homes. 

The eviction and demolition was done suddenly and in the early hours of the morning. Police dispersed tear gas and forcefully removed residents from the area. It was almost impossible for residents to salvage items from their homes or for students and teacher to save items from Damside.

This leaves almost 250 children without a school and most likely without a home. Many students both attended and lived at Damside. The school also provided meals to residents of the community on Saturday. 

We are working together with Peter Mandela (Principal of Damside) to rebuild the school in a new location on property that has been purchased and donated to the school in the nearby area of Karen. 

To see more information on our efforts to rebuild Damside - click here



